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How Bucket Teeth Are Used on Different Types of Machines and Attachments?

Bucket teeth are heavy-duty metal spikes that attach to the bottom of bucket attachments to improve digging power. They're used on a wide range of wheeled heavy equipment, including excavators, loaders and backhoes to dig in different types of terrain. The teeth have a variety of designs, each intended for specific applications and terrain.

The lifespan of bucket teeth depends largely on how they're used, how abrasive the soil is and the type of machine. Highly abrasive soil wears down bucket teeth more quickly, sometimes cutting their lifespan in half. Using bucket teeth that are made from a higher grade of steel increases the overall strength and durability of the attachment. A high-grade bucket also requires fewer bucket teeth to meet the same breakout force, which cuts down on maintenance costs.

A common design is chisel bucket teeth, which have a broad design that narrows into a flat chisel shape at the working edge. They're excellent at breaking up compacted soil and catching or removing roots. They can even be used on hard surfaces, such as rock or frost.
Ensure your bucket teeth are always in good condition by inspecting them before every shift. It's important to replace them as soon as they become worn down, dull or loose. It's also important to keep a set of spare bucket teeth on hand for repairs and replacements. If your bucket teeth are secured by pins, you can easily detach and reattach them using a hammer and punch.